Sunday 17 May 2009

YouTube Hell

It is understandable that artists do not want their copyright stolen. However, I do not tolerate corporate greed and never will. If you expect consumers to buy your products, I believe they would rather hear them first isntead of waste their entire savings on some crappy artist, let's say Jay-Z. Yes, it's true there is some talent under WMG's huge corporate arse, but hardly any of it can be viewed. All the music I can find now is either a cover of lower quality or music videos uploaded by people who aren't the official uploaders, and even these are getting harder to find now.

But by no means is the music industry all that's suffering from YouTube's corporate greed. Comedy's going down, and earlier this year I personally had to remove fifty or so videos from my playlist. No, I didn't upload them personally, but YouTube are sticking the finger up at all of us.

The copyrighted playlist cull:

Music videos- one video officially down (Nickelback- Someday), five videos unviewable

Chipmunk music (my brother's playlist)- three videos taken down